This is something we’ve all experienced at some point. We plug in our guitars, set up our amp sims, and suddenly, there is a weird noise coming through the speakers. That noise is usually RFI (Radio-frequency interference) or EMI (Electro-magnetic interference), and it can be a pain in the ass to deal with. Especially if you DIDN’T notice it while you were recording because you had your noise gate turned on!
Before you play, arm your track for recording and listen for a minute or two. If you find that you’re picking up a lot of interference, you’re going to have to find a way around it. For one thing, TURN OFF YOUR PHONE! Or at least set it to airplane mode. If your phone isn’t the issue, try playing a few feet away from your computer. Being that close to a running machine can definitely be an issue, and yes, even the RGB in your gaming mouse and keyboard can cause interference.
Make sure you’re tracking at 24-bit, and AT LEAST 44.1Khz. This is pretty cut and dry stuff. Whether it’s for your own project, or you’re intending to send it to someone for mixing, always record at 24-bit. 24-bit recording not only gives us more headroom, but it significantly lowers the noise floor. Trust us, you’ll save yourself a number of headaches and angry phone calls down the line!
When you’re recording, don’t waste time dwelling on the perfect tone. You’re doing just that! RECORDING! Don’t waste those precious hours dialing in an amp sim, just choose a preset and start tracking! Remember, you can always dial in the sound after you’ve nailed your takes. As simple as recording seems, it can be a very stressful process. We’ve all experienced the nightmare that is Red Light Syndrome. We play so well that Yngwie Malmsteen himself would blush, but as soon as that record button is armed, we freeze and mess everything up.
What’s the point? Don’t add additional layers of stress to your process, or you’ll burn yourself out before you’ve finished recording half the song!
Oh, and if you’re having problems dialing in your tone, check out Scott Elliot’s Guitar Tone Mastery course at Spectre Digital! But only after you’ve finished tracking your guitars…